Thank you SOoooo much for all the supportive comments over the last couple of days - I was completely overwhelmed. And the love for Kenzie's buns made us both smile!
I'm pleased to report that his operation went well, they didn't find anything scary inside his head (!) and he is happily recovering beside me on the settee.
I realised right from the start of this journey that Cleggy would be better equipped than me to take Kenzie down to theatre (after sobbing uncontrollaby the first time - you know the real gutteral sob that you know is embarrasing even though its perfectly understandable?)
But I always insist on going to collect him - much easier.
UNTIL yesterday. It's never nice, but At least at that point it's over and everyone is telling you with confidence that he's OK.
Unfortunatly the relief, the heat and the horrible hospital smell all combined to make me woozy....and the next thing I know everything is swimming and I'm being lifted onto a flamin bed. With a cot side 'for my safety'.
The SHAME!!!
Unfortunatly the relief, the heat and the horrible hospital smell all combined to make me woozy....and the next thing I know everything is swimming and I'm being lifted onto a flamin bed. With a cot side 'for my safety'.
The SHAME!!!
Of course, there's always an upside. Cleggy thought this was hilarious (and promptly texted all family members to let them know...thanks). Fortunatly he arrived in recovery without his phone, so no nothing to show. I'm surprised he didn't ask to go back for it.
Anyway, after the inevitable sore few hours Kenzie was soon back in the room and enjoying a biscuit boost!
Unfortunatly his ear wasn't so happy - and he ended up having the full head bandage:
The Giggle Doctors in the top photos are brilliant. They are paid for by a charity called Theodora Children's Trust and do their job in such a sensitive way, in children's hospitals all over the country.
They get a feel for how much a child wants to be included, and tailor their fun to suit the age and nature of the child. Far harder then they make it look!
So here we are...the lucky ones. We are forever grateful for our brave boy, for all the amazing doctors and nurses at our hospitals, and for our luck. It certainly stops you moaning about the weather....fee x