The idea of a carry it forward, for anyone who doesn't know, is that if you win you receive something handmade from the blogger in question. In return you hold your own 'CIF' and carry on sharing the crafting/making love. It can be anything at all. Luckily there's no time restriction!!
One of the things that made my heart sing in Lisa's package was a battered old set of vintage Top Trump cars
featuring modes of transport
(including horses!)

I used some of the cards to make three blocks (naturally) which I've inked and sanded to give a real aged feel. They are very tactile and are part one of my carry it forward offering.

Thanks again Lisa x
In the past few weeks I also hit the 300 followers mark and 100,000 page views - how many reasons do you need to have one
GREAT BIG carry it forward style blogging giveaway!?
My first giveaway offering a was vintage Ladybird blocks, the second Alice in Wonderland,and for giveaway number 3 (part 2) it's...
Topsy and Tim!
The blocks are made from pages of the book
'Tospy and Tim go at the fairground'.

There are 7 blocks in total and they make up a couple of full page images and lots of smaller ones.
So, I have 2 prizes...a set of vintage transport blocks and a set of Topsy and Tim blocks.
If neither of the sets of blocks are for you I hope you can think of someone who might like them for Christmas!
To enter all you need to do is mention my giveaway on a post on your blog, or pop one of the photos on your sidebar and hopefully be prepared to hold a 'carry it forward' of your own sometime in the future (not obligatory!)
I'll draw two names from a hat on 9th December - plenty of time to post in time for Christmas!
Let me know if you're in!
fee x