Saturday 9 January 2016

Australia 2015 - Sydney

We couldn't wait to join Cleggy in Australia - it was the longest we'd ever been apart. Unfortunately for him he had a nightmare journey over there (which included an unplanned 2 day stop in Hong Kong!) and had been really poorly whilst travelling all over Australia delivering training.
everyone loves flying through a storm!!
We travelled with Finnair - exactly the same journey as last year, just me and the boys. 
We stayed in the same area as last year - Bondi, both because we love the place and because it's close to our mates Sara and Andrew who moved there a few years earlier. 

We had a couple of days in Sydney on our own while Cleggy finished his last day of work - so headed down to our favourite breakfasting spot - Bondi Picnic. 
 All struggling with jet lag!
And a brisk walk on Bondi beach to try and fight it...

 One of the (many) things I love about Sydney is the winter light. It's an addictive mix of low winter sun with temperatures we'd be happy with on a summers day in Manchester!

On our second day we met up with more friend who moved over to Oz a couple of years ago - Jo was one of Kenzie's best mates at primary school so it was lovely for them to spend the afternoon together. 

Meanwhile I had a coffee with his mum and sister (lovely to catch up) and Alfie did some reading!

It was also nice to wander around Darling Harbour - a brilliant 
city centre hub of cafes, boats and museums. 

I may have caught up on a little crochet!
THEN Cleggy flew back in to Sydney - we were all thrilled to see him! I think he genuinely needed a couple of days in bed to recoup - but instead we got back out in the sunshine and caught up with our mates. We only had a couple of days left in one of our favourite cities - and made the most of every minute.

 Including another great night eating Vietnamese at Xage 
in Surry Hills.
 and a lovely walk over the bridge to the other side of the harbour - something we didn't do last time.

 One of our favourite places last visit was The Boathouse at Balmoral - so Andrew kindly took us for breakfast. It didn't disappoint. 

 One of the things I love about Sydney is the mixture of architecture. Just walking around the suburbs is fascinating and inspiring. 

 On our last full day we did the bit of the walk along the coastal beaches that we didn't complete last year - from Bronte to our favourite ever place Coogee Pavillion.

 Where (way too much) wine was drunk. 

 Then espresso martinis. In the sun. 

 They have opened up the (adults only) rooftop bar since last year - it was amazing. 
The decor definitely inspired our decorating when we got back.

Man, I lOVE Sydney. And I love seeing our friends.
On 1st August we headed North to Cairns, Tropical North Queensland....
Fee x


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fee x