Saturday, 28 May 2011

The Paris post

So, forgetting all about my lists and piles (literal, not medical) and orders and responsibilities and, and, and... I read that Anita over at the exquisite Castles, Crowns and Cottages blog is having a blog hop type day devoted to Paris 
(hence the fancy writing!_)

Being fond of Paris, and happily and easily distracted, I embarked on a little collection of makes. They include a couple of boxes for Cleggy (a fan of Moulin Rouge), a trio of  Eiffel Tower blocks and a little heart box for treasures. 
I decided a photo montage would be the best way to share them 
fee x 
(currently on her hols...)

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Kindle surprise!

Cleggy had a good old chuckle at the comments on 
his wrapping skills
'an honourary wonman you say'! (not sure how he felt about that!)
He does indeed know exactly what I like and is way more creative than he lets on.
inside said beautifully wrapped gift was a much coveted Kindle
and very gorgeous Kindle case
made by my friend
jane from teawaggontales 

I love a book, and I love a real book...(especially love a vintage book) but I also love the idea of taking 10 good books on holiday!                             as well as travel guides, dictionaries, phrase books, maps (ooh, scrabble dictionary...mustn't forget)and a couple of books to read aloud to the boys.                                                           I do appreciate the above items all cost money, but much like itunes I can happily ignore this fact by quickly clicking the 'continue' button whenever anything about payment appears. Same goes for Amazon. Commonly known as denial.

So thank you Cleggy, and thank you Jane! I'm wondering when you managed to squeeze in a little cup of tea together to discuss making a kindle cover of gorgeousness! 

I try not to moan on about it (here!) but the distinct lack of pink in our house does mean I spend my pennies on things of beauty that would otherwise be spent filling a case full of spots and frills. As all boys are now perfectly capable of carrying their own little rucksacks I have filled my holiday bag with the following
       tissues, phone, kindle, sunnies and mirror (contains lip salve but it wasn't beautiful enough to be in the photo)

That's it. The dinosaurs, felt tips that leak, drinks (that leak), wallets full of pounds from granny, DS's, games, plus other boy parafernalia will be somewhere else! and the sand, stones, shells, strange foreign sweets and other holiday parafernalia can come back in their rucksacks too!

I may concede and carry a little game of 'pass the pigs'...
fee x
ps I know janes work is already widely appreciated here but if you haven't visited the littleteawaggon as yet then pop over. She's terribly clever. And tottylicious, according to he of the beautiful wrapping. 

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

The most beautifully wrapped presents

Gosh almighty - Cleggy is well known around these parts for being a most excellent wrapper of presents...
but he has surpassed himself!

It's not quite birthday time, but this particular present is especially good for holidays, so was an early treat!
 What was inside????
come back tomorrow and I'll show you - it's deserving of it's own post!!!
fee x

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Home Sweet Home (but not for long)

Holidays are beckoning for us (3 sleeps to go...but at least 7 days worth of work on my list!) so we're all getting a bit giddy!

Cleggy and I are just having the big debate about whether or not to take the laptop. Ordinarily, we are completely and utterley all about the time away from work, but this year it's a bit tricky. Cleggy's business is less than a year old, and he's really busy - and lots of it is exciting stuff. I would like him to have a proper break - but I totally understand that sometimes you can relax more if you can stay in control. Plus, some of the things he needs to do are things he enjoys.... tough call. 
One of the down sides of working for yourself!

Meanwhile, in order to avoid the things on the (boring) list, I made some new products!
Some new blocks, made with Cath Kidston paper
 and my first 'thank you teacher' block of 2011
 I've also started a mini collection for fathers day - my retail head tells me I should have done this in real head congratulates me on remembering at all! (pictures to follow)

and finally before I go - a little message to my cousin Caroline who has been in hospital for a few weeks and will be there for a few weeks more...awaiting the safe arrival of little bear #2. We are all with you in spirit!
really just checking she reads my blog!
Bring on the weekend 
(and please someone take away the pesky ash cloud!)
fee x

Monday, 23 May 2011

iPad cover inspiration

I often feel inspired by Cinti's ideas over at My Poppet and todays post about how to make this ipad cover cheered up my Monday!

Isn't it a thing of beauty?!
fee x
(ps don't have an iPad! but thinking you could use it for anything?!)

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Just ducklings...

Lola and Coco are growing by the hour (literally) and so entertaining to are some more recent pictures;

Coco is hard to photograph - if it dries up this week I'll take some paper in there to try and capture her beauty!
happy weekend
fee x

Saturday, 21 May 2011

green with envy.... what you are going to be when you see what GB brought up to me this morning at 7.00am

'breakfast in bed mummy' says he.
'ooooh thank you Geordie, I was just dreaming about one cold dry crumpet' says I. 
fee x

Friday, 20 May 2011

T I N S...

I T I n s !

I was just enjoying a paticular
favourite tin - and it got me thinking about how much I like a tin...
There are tins all over the house, old tins, new tins, french tins, funny tins!
Here's my tin show and tell;

a tin for tissues

a tin for big buttons...

and a tin for little buttons
a special tin for old buttons

a tin for bits of ribbon

and a one for pennies

a pirate tin for boys

some CK tins for workshop odds and ends

and one in the kitchen

a tin for oxo cubes (thanks granny!)

and for sewing
a tin for candles
and a tin for documents
and one for biscuits
 one for the first aid

and the shoe shine
and favourite
a tin for secrets

Anyone else like a tin?
fee x
(what's in the secret tin?)

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Mabel and Ned

This week is turning out to be incrediby busy - starting with a quick visit from Nelly, Gaz and Mabel. I'm not normally a fan of pictures of myself (in reality there aren't many - I'm the one with the camera in my hand) but I liked the feel of these

The weekend ended with Cleggy and I remembering that sons #2 and 3 both needed a 'victorian children' outfit for a trip to Styal Mill. 

We can usually muster up one costume, 
but two was a struggle and we resorted
to 'victorian' football socks!

This is them trying to look like miserable victorian children!

Monday and Tuesday have just been hectic, trying to juggle Chipper Nelly, the job known as 'the house' and also help with Cleggys business. Could do with 48 hours in each day. Can't complain - I'm glad we're busy!

Here are a couple of todays makes (for you Paula!)

...and a new chipper nelly product 


Finally, because he's just SO gorgeous, a few pictures of Ned enjoying the remains of my pink lady apple
 In case you're wondering, Ned isn't enjoying the delights of a tortoise brothel, the red light is his heat lamp!
Fee x

p.s took 30 photographs of the pesky ducklings today and not ONE of them was in focus. They are manic! going to try again won't believe how big they've got!

Saturday, 14 May 2011

The awards post

It's the end of the week - and I still haven't done the award thingy! So, here goes.
I've decided to base my 7 'interesting' facts about my dreams...
My first car was a red  2CV called Dolly. We painted her with white daisys. When she wore out and the day came for the scrap man to pick her up, we had a sudden change of heart and with five minutes to go pushed Dolly round the corner out of sight and hid behind the settee when the man called (sorry Scrap Man!). Some friends took her apart and filled her with flowers.It's still my dream car!

I LOVE taking photographs. Of anything. I love the satisfaction of capturing a moment. I equally love missing the  moment but being able to recreate it in Picnik!

The scenery in Snowdonia is breathtaking - and I loved this picture of a lovely red post office van - the only colour for miles.
Being a photographer is my dream job.

Cleggy and I visited India in 1993 and long to go back. The food, the buildings, the people, the history, the culture - all fascinating. I'd like to take the boys - to see the sights but also to appreciate how other people in the world live.

I guess if it was my dream holiday it would include a week on the beach before coming home...

Dream date? Johnny.  Every time.

Vanessa and the kids 
would be welcome too pop over and keep
Cleggy company (think he might appreciate that!)

My favourite kind of day would need to include the following:
fresh coffee, croissants (and butter, natch), the saturday papers, noisy family but a little peace too, being outside, sunshine, the making of plans (especially holiday ones) some telling of stories, a good (uninterupted) film, dinner cooked by Gaz (preferably fish stew), pudding I've made earlier, some wine....
I would invite Johnny and Vanessa over but I think it would take the edge off enjoying the papers?
Dream day.

 Dinner party wise - I'll nick Cleggy's idea and have all my relatives back to 1900 - including the dead ones! I'd get them to tell the stories we've all heard and fill us in on some history!

If they are all as mad as they sound it would surely be a dream dinner party...

Finally, as I'm 40 in a couple of weeks, I thought I'd do a little dream list of 7 things I'd like to achieve in my next decade. It's self indulgent and shallow...because it can be!

I'd like to 
  • finally lose some weight and keep it off (predictable, but I'd be lying if it wasn't up there in my top 3!) 
  • learn more about sewing
  • grow my business a little 
  • learn to recognise bird call 
  • create a beautiful garden (preferably mine)
  • read all of the BBC's Top 100 books(not counting the ones I've read)

There, finally done.
 Thanks again to  Elaine @ Northern Highlights for The Versatile Blogger award and Emma @ Sylvie's Garden for Stylish. 

I struggled to find a blog I follow who doesn't already have an award but I'm going to recommend my little sister Nelly's blog:
because her posts always make me laugh! (love you Nelly!)

Now, for that dream day I had in mind.....fee x