Saturday 22 January 2011

My favourite girl - the story of Pearl

Pearl is the only one of out hens we 'grew' ourselves so we are especially fond of her.

When our eggs arrived in the post last spring (yes, you can post eggs...who'd have thought it!) we didn't know if any of them were fertilised - so watched with wonder, and occasionally a special torch to see inside. After a couple of duds we eventually hatched 4 chickens.

Watching them grow was  amazing - and so quick. It almost felt as though they were getting bigger before our eyes. We took lots of photos and the boys loved looking at their flight feathers develop. Their feet got very big very quickly (partly because three of them were boys)

Pearl was our only girl so unfortunatly Myrtle, Nancy and Dolly had to go.

We decided to bring in three more ladies to keep Pearl company. At first the three new girls kept their distance, and even slept on the opposite side of the coop, but they're all friends now!

We love all our ladies....but will always have a soft spot for Pearl!

All our hens are pedigree Orpingtons (known for their gentle nature and beautiful lacey feathers). Always desperate to expand home farm, Cleggy is talking about getting a couple of rescue hens so no doubt the ladies will have some new pals before long.... fee x


  1. Oh my, Pearl is such a fabulous name for a chicken! I would love to be able to keep chickens but we don't have enough space.
    I hope you have a great weekend.

  2. Hi Emma, we had a lovely long list of girls names we liked but were blessed with three boys! Aside from Pearl we've had Nancy, Myrtle and Dolly (renamed Nigel, Martin and Derek when they turned out to be cockerels!) and current ladies Delilah, Florence and Betty.
    If only I could dress them up and buy them accessories!!!
    Little sisters baby due any day now - really hoping it's a girl....fee x


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fee x