Tuesday 7 May 2013

Normal service has resumed...

I think this might be the third time I've blogged about Gesail in Snowdonia (see here and here) as it's somewhere we try to visit at some point each year. 

The location is just STUNNING and it has no TV, internet or phone signal so we get to share REAL time together - just the tonic.

We have been with various members of the extended family (and taken some friends of the boys) but this time was with my little sister Nelly and her family. Mabel is now 2 and Wilf 6 months - and much loved by their big cousins.

I've wittered on about it enough in the past so (for the sake of my blog diary) I'll do a whistle stop show and tell of the best bits:

We visited (the nice bit of) Barmouth and caught some crabs
Found Grandpa Pig's boat (apologies is you aren't familiar with Peppa!)

BBQ'd some spatchcock chicken 
(wish I'd taken the photo when they were cooked, not raw!!)
And from a safer distance
We were all (a little too) fascinated by the dead badger 
(sorry - I have boys, what can I say?)
We LO♥E you G Kisby!
Played on rope swings that were a leeeetle bit too big. Couldn't concentrate as too busy looking to see who was watching!
A fair amount of crochet (with blanket on knee)
Some playing tea parties with smaller cousins
We did some
(love this photo)
and some
There was a great (competitive) game of Frisbee
we also

The teen even...
I found time to
There was the traditional game of playing in the ford, 
where someone also traditionally 'took it too far'!

Wearing of matching outfits
and the wrapping of Wilf in 'whatever we could find' since, 
despite being the start of summer, it was occasionally baltic. 
Poor Wilf - it included a large sports sock (on backwards)
There was the obligatory splashing in muddy puddles
We also
AND we took time to
This was the first time the BC's have stayed in the house rather than the barn (which we kept referring to as 'OUR barn'!) 
It's always seemed a little creepy and dark - but less so this time as we were there in sunshine. 
The owners Rose and Patrick are really keen to learn about and preserve the long history of the place - and we were delighted to find these photos of the house in the 'olden' days, along with the family who lived there (Patrick's ancestors)
The house looks so similar today 
(wish I'd taken the photo from the same angle...doh)
 and it's funny to think that these people looked at exactly the 
same amazing views
I took lots of photos of the inside of the house which I'll share on flickr - this post is already immense!
don't worry Rose - it's still there!
It's just a brilliant place for getting back to what's important in life. Delighting in the small things, making the most of every minute of every day and most importantly telling the people you love how much they mean to you...
The journey home was a typical British bank holiday one. 
The weather decided to be glorious (grrrrr) and the traffic was grim. Fortunately the views were amazing and the chips at Bala lake were worth being fat for!
Fee x


  1. What a fab post. I'm very, very jealous... always wanted a sister and your photos show me just what I'm missing! Looks just perfect. Julie x

  2. What a beautiful post with stunning photo's! The stripy clan (ha ha) so funny. What a perfect holiday you had. xxxx

  3. What a wonderful post, such lovely pictures of you all having such a lovely time. Sarah x

  4. Absolutely wonderful post .......that is except the bits where my envious nature came to the fore and I groaned over . LOL!
    Its pretty obvious Fee you all had a fabulous time ... the camera never lies they say.

    keep well

    Amanda :-)

  5. What a beautiful place, you obviously had a lovely family time!
    Love the stripey photo, it's like a version of where's Wally. :)
    V x

  6. Gorgeous post with such beautiful pictures of your lovely family, Fee! You have captured those special times so well. We have lots in common I see, with the same love of blue and white stripes and the same tea set as Mabel is playing with! (Btw, I discovered the teapot is ideal for filling my steam iron with water!) Wishing you many more happy holidays like this one :)
    Sending love.
    Helen x

  7. Oh Fee, what a jolly happy post ... with a whole lotta love thrown in for good measure!


    Love Claire xx

  8. Laughed out loud at the pic of Alfie being a NinJa GladiAtor with Cleggy and at the Wilf sock improvisation. V funny.

    Love that pic of all the stripes.

    Teary at the pic of Kenny and Cleggy having a squeeze.

    Such a gorgeous post. Goregeous. GorJass.

    Loving you,


  9. Beautiful, beautiful post. Thank you so much for sharing your gorgeous family time.
    Anne xx

  10. What wonderful pictures and gorgeous views. Lovely.

  11. Amazing photos and a they capture the essence of your family so brilliantly.Is their a special app or something to get photos tolook like this.Is it likr instagram?So sorry I'm totally rubbish at and ignorant about anything vaguely techie.Anne x

  12. I love *everything* about this post. It is just brilliant - you have captured a wonderful weekend away perfectly, and made me want to visit the same place you went to!

  13. Bloomin' green here I can tell you, what a fab hols you've all had! Marvellous pics Fee, of a clearly awesome place :)

  14. Stunning pics and lovely post!


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I LOVE reading your comments!
fee x